3 Feb 2015

#LDNtheatrebloggers Planet Hollywood Meet Up

Sound like fun? If you run a blog and love theatre then get in touch!

SausageI got back from my Christmas Holidays feeling depressed. Didn’t we all I suppose; January sucks. SO I decided I would give myself something to look forward to and promptly organised a new #LDNtheatrebloggers meet up for the end of the month. Problem solved!

I set up the #LDNTheatreblogger group last year and have had a blast meeting new people so far. With this next meet up, I wanted to find EVEN more fabulous theatre inclined bloggers in order for our group to expand #feeltheforce.

Having had AN AMAZING meal at Planet Hollywood last year during which the staff treated me SO well, I started to suspect that the venue would be a great place to host one of our meet ups.Motley crew

The lovely Esther Bell, in charge of Planet Hollywood’s PR, organised an irresistible deal for myself and 40 bloggers which essentially included
unlimited wine, beer and food as well as private use of their POOL themed suite. Sweet.

Drafting in my mates at SeatPlan, we decided to make the meet up a summer themed party because escapism is cool and so is wearing short shorts in January. Chucking some Tiki style lanterns, some leis and a blow up flamingo on the situation, we were pretty much set for a blitz of bloggers. Hello!

The night was an absolute treat; I chatted to some old favourites as well as learning about new blogs. We all bonded over a mutual love of a mini burger and an open bar…oh and of course theatre. Let’s not forget the theatre…

Blogger crew

Pinapple winningsSeatPlan had has some cute t-shirts made, which weren’t really a patch on my crazy summer suit, but nonetheless they looked very smart. They even gave away a few of their shirts (as well as a few bottles of prosecco) as prizes to some of their budding users! What huns. In the spirit of giving, Official Theatre also decided to give a prize for the best developed blog since our initial meet up.

Although it was difficult to pick a winner as a lot of the blogs from our first meet up have grown massively in the past 8 months one blog stood out;The Gizzle Review. Founder Ed Nightingale has worked really hard to boost his rankings in google and grow is social media following. Essentially he is awesome SO we awarded him with a bottle of Malibu and a Pineapple. What more could a blogger want?!


totesAfter we had finished with the prizes, a couple of our bloggers had some announcements! The lovely girls at Starling Arts (pictured at the top of the page tucking in to some cocktail sausages!) are celebrating 5 years since they set up their theatre school and will be celebrating with a performance at the end of February. A representative from West End Wilma also gave us some of Wilma’s fabulous “Stagey” tote bags (see left) which was a theatrical treat indeed!

After a few rounds of mini brownies and mini apple tarts our free bar ran out so we all decided to take advantage of the 241 cocktail deal we had sorted downstairs.Seatplan and OT sign

I am told some bloggers stayed until close and then drank their prize prosecco in the street, however I am sure this is just a vicious rumour! (OUGHTTOBECLOWNS honey I am LOOKING AT YOU!)

We will be planning another big meet up* for mid March, so if you want to join us do get in touch with me! Prior to that I will be running a few mini meet ups to shows, so again if you fancy some theatre (paid for by us!) then holla.

*Definitely in no way a piss up. At all.



Rebecca is a cheeky London lady with a love of theatre, cheese and wine (preferably all at the same time!) She graduated from Goldsmiths (University of London) with a First Class Honours degree in Drama and Theatre Arts and later went on to study for an NCTJ postgraduate diploma in Journalism.


Introduction - and a Happy Birthday

I went into The Lion King with an open mind and a very open, yet nervous, ...


Opening soon