2 Jul 2014

Tamsin Carroll Miss Saigon

The heat is certainly on in Saigon as one of the hottest musicals of all time returns to the West End! Miss Saigon is back with a bang! Hurrah! We caught up with one of the hugely talented members of the cast, Tamsin Carroll, who plays Ellen, Chris’ devoted wife who is inadvertently caught up in a love triangle with his past lover, Kim.

Sitting in the beautiful, art deco, inner belly of the Prince Edward Theatre, we chatted to Tamsin, whose previous roles include Nancy in Oliver, Charity in Barnum and Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, about her role in the revival cast. Oh…and her brief stint in EastEnders as the love interest of Alfie Moon! Juicy! To find out how Tamsin feels to playing the “other woman” in Miss Saigon and her thoughts on the ever-present brutality of war, watch the video interview below.

Five things you didn’t know about Tamsin

We asked Tamsin to tell us some interesting facts about herself and we came across a goldmine of hidden information! She is a woman of many facets!

  • Tamsin can speak a bit of Kreyol.
  • Tamsin LOVES chocolate, she says “I eat chocolate by the bucket load! Any kind!”
  • Tamsin LOVES cats! She wishes she could have one but she says her current flat is too small.
  • Tamsin’s dad is a famous actor in Australia!
  • Tamsin met her husband whilst performing the role of Nancy in Cameron Macintosh’s Olivier! #Showmance

The Lightning Round : With West End Wilma!

I have to admit, I’ve had a few sherries with my favourite theatre Nanna on the block over the past week, West End Wilma! As part of our #LDNTheatreBloggers project we thought we would combine our powers to quiz Tamsin in the Lightning Round! The ever glamorous Wilma and I asked Tamsin quick fire questions in our first ever double lightning round! If you want to know whether Tamsin would prefer to fight an army of 50 duck sized horses Or 5 horse sized ducks, then watch the video below!

Tamsin is a huge talent and it was an absolute joy to speak with her about her thoughts on this truly fabulous show! Miss Saigon is currently booking until April 2015 and we would absolutely urge you to book tickets to see the show!



Rebecca is a cheeky London lady with a love of theatre, cheese and wine (preferably all at the same time!) She graduated from Goldsmiths (University of London) with a First Class Honours degree in Drama and Theatre Arts and later went on to study for an NCTJ postgraduate diploma in Journalism.


Introduction - and a Happy Birthday

I went into The Lion King with an open mind and a very open, yet nervous, ...


Opening soon